Friday, May 6, 2016

Download Web2App - Quickest Feature-Rich Android Webview - Mobile Null Free

Template Features

  • Revolutionary customization
    Choose from over 7 layout options. And define your own color theme to style your app. Create your own unique app layout combination.
  • Tab bar
    Optionally use tabs to add all your webpages to your WebView and let your users enjoy amazing fluent navigation and tab switching.
  • Navigation Drawer
    Optionally use the navigation drawer to add all your webpages to your WebView app and allowing new level of branding.
  • Hideable Toolbar
    More screen space with the hideable toolbar. This familiar navigation pattern can also be seen in Chrome for Android. Scroll down to hide the toolbar and scroll up to show it! Perfect to combine with tabs or a plain Toolbar.
  • Pull-to-refresh
    Choose to refresh your pages with just a swipe gesture. You can also use this stylish layout to indicate page loading.
  • Smart Rate my App
    A smart rate my app dialog that will display after x days or x launches. It’s an easy way to get some reviews on Google Play.
  • Smart SplashScreen
    Display a SplashScreen while your app its webview is loading. You can just use your current transparent logo as SplashScreen.
  • Push notifications with OneSignal
    Notify your users about new content with push notifications from OneSignal!
  • Admob
    Monetize your app in seconds. Just enter your Admob ID and banner ads will be shown trough-out your application. Ofcourse, you can disable ads at any time.
  • Google Analytics support
    Track your app, find out at how many installs you have, what day of the week you have to most users and even more.
  • Loading bar
    A thin and stylish loading bar that will automatically hide when the page is done loading. You can choose to show this loading bar instead of the Pull-To-Refresh indicator.
  • HTML video and geolocation
    Display HTML 5 video (Including youtube) fullscreen and get your users’ location with HTML5 geolocation.
  • Build in download manager
    Use download functions in your application. We use the download manager to download files and show the process as we do it. Downloads can be managed using the ‘Downloads’ app.
  • File uploads
    Compatible with the file upload forms so you can let your users’ upload data to your site.
  • About dialog
    An native about dialog, with HTML support for markup.
  • Integrated social features
    Share a custom text to spread the word about your app.
  • Open external apps (Youtube, Store, Mail, etc.) from Webview.
    Open apps from your webview, let user open the mail app with your mail-adress, let your user call you with one click. Open a play store product page or a Youtube video in the native app, etc.
  • Local web content
    Show local webpages in your app. Perfect for web based mobile applications like IONIC and JQuery Mobile, allowing you to store all resource files locally.
  • Orientation handler
    Your WebView does not restart on orientation change (normally it does).
  • Save password
    Show a “do you want to remember this password” dialog after submitting login forms on your website, and automatically load the login data on next visit.
  • Smart page title
    You page title will be your apps name, followed by a ”: ” followed by the page title. This way you can easily show to the user where they are.
  • Play Videos
    Let your user’s play videos instantly by simply linking to a MP4, FLV or other video using a href
  • No internet connection dialog/page
    Show a dialog or load a local webpage that will load when no connection is available.
  • Custom package name
    You app will have a custom package name, so no trouble with package name changing!
  • Official Design Guidelines
    We made this template keeping the official android style regulations in mind, though being compatible with previous versions!
  • Why Web2App with online customization?

    You can generate your custom application template on our servers (optionally). This way, there is no need to configure your template’s code manually and you can publish your app faster. Below, we named a few features and benefits of this system.

  • Just easier
    First app? No problem. We do all the tech stuff, like renaming your package name and configuring your settings. You just have to run you custom code afterwards. Easy as pie, with our documentation.
  • Open and editable source
    WebToApp’s Panel produces a customized editable template (sourcecode). This way you can customize and add everything you want. You final app will be completely independent from our panel and our servers.
  • Easier updates
    Web2app Panel remembers your previously entered details, allowing you to create updates for your applications blazingly fast. After generation you only need to import your template, and without having to edit even a single line of code, you can create your APK.
  • Rich documentation with video tutorials
    Setting up your pc, importing and publishing. It’s all described with video in our rich documentation that you can access from your Panel.
  • Premium support
    If you can not find your answer in the Documentation or our Community FAQ, we will be there for personal support.
  • Free customization

    Our free online customization service allows the creation of 1 end product (app) in our Panel. You may create unlimited updates for this app. This customization includes the configuration of various layout styles (ToolBar, Drawer, Tabs, Hide-able ToolBar, Loading bar style, Fullscreen), Colors, Web Items, Icons & Images, Admob, Parse & Analytics setup.
    *The customization service we offer includes the customization options available in our Web Panel and does not include any further manual code and/or layout customizations in line with the Support Policy.


    This template supports Android 4.0 and up. Custom status bar colors work on Lollipop and up. WebView behavior and API’s available might vary for devices with Android 4.4 or lower. File upload is not available on devices with Android 4.4. Chromium WebView Engine is used from Android 4.4 and up. Designed for Android Studio 2.0 and up.

    Questions & Support

    Still having some questions? No problem! Contacts us over CodeCanyon or go to our Support Center.


    - Navigation Drawer
    - OneSignal push notifications
    - Easier configuration for offline action and pages that should load outside the WebView
    - Support for Icons in tabs & drawer.
    - Ability to localize tab/drawer text.
    - Intent Filter support
    - Option to support 3rd party login, like Facebook 
    - Android Studio V2 with Instant Run
    - Support for tabs bar
    - New WebView engine
    - Pull to refresh
    - New hide-able ToolBar
    - More built-in customization options
    - Optimizations
    V1 Update 2
    - Material design
    - Android Studio 
    - File upload (lollipop)
    - New & Easier navigation modes
    - Bug fixes and stability improvements.
    V1 Update 1
    - Lollipop increased compatibility
    - Updated Parse SDK
    - Now separate update receiver (so you can send data).
    Icons used in the Demo and Promotional Images are retrieved from and are not distributed with the template.

    Từ khóa:
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