Friday, May 6, 2016

Download Deli - Restaurant UI Template App for Android - Mobile Null Free

UI Android APP Template for Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Cocktail bars or any Kind of this business. Developed with Android Studio, AI File is Well Organized, With Layers and Groups for Easy to Use.

App Features:

  • Material Design: Launch Screens, Navigation Drawer, RecyclerView with header on top, Floating Action Button, Floating EditText Labels, Tabs Layout.
  • Branded Launch Screen: The screen shows your brand while the App is starting.
  • Icons: A wide range of free Google icons.
  • Beautiful Animation for RecyclerView: Using RecyclerView Animators library for some nice animation.
  • “Bebas Neue” Font: An elegant and clean font.
  • SQLite Database: Store favorite items and all orders in a private database.
  • Shopping Cart: User’s can add, update and delete items from cart before making the order.
  • User Profile Page: Display all favorite items and all orders history with a human readable date using PrettyTime library.
  • Custom Dialog Fragment Design: Prompts the user to add items to his cart.
  • Custom Toast: A clean and simple customized popup.
  • Google Maps and Locations: Google maps integration so you can show the restaurant locations on the map with custom markers.
  • Supporting Tablets and Handsets: Multi-pane layouts on tablets and single-pane layouts on handsets.
  • Flexible Layout Design: Allows application to adapt to all variations of screen sizes.

What you Get:

  • Full source code.
  • Android Studio project files.
  • Documentation.
  • App Design and Structure pdf file.
  • Adobe Illustrator App design file organized and layered.

Live Preview on Google Play Store.

Từ khóa:
Lập trình csharp
Lập trình php
Google Adsense
Dự án
Kiếm tiền online
Lập trình c++
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